Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The End of the World Has Begun

Four groups of undergraduate fiction writers have put together collaborative fiction projects based on apocalypses of their own creation. The students in each group have developed plots involving interconnected characters, the voices of whom they will take on in blogs. Blogging will take place from Monday, February 13 to Monday, February 28.

Group 1:
Once considered the cute and innocent of the marsupials, koala bears are now aggressively rising against the human population. It seems as though a contaminated batch of eucalyptus trees has infected the entire Queensland ecosystem and has driven koala bears to organize and rage against what they now consider the human machine.

Denver Long is an awkward yet potentially maniacal chemist who has isolated the chemical toxin in eucalyptus, which could potentially be the catalyst for this disasterous attempt of the koalas to take over the world. He also loves dinner parties and biking on brisk mornings. (Writer: Austin Wolfe)

Dr. Hillman: Some consider him a doctor of love, and yet the government considers him their last defense. An amateur magician by night, he is a scientific genius whose career with the secretary of defense only exists in times of emergencies. He also likes to eat cereal for dinner. (Writer: Jeffrey Maranto)

James Dayton: Aware of no athletic limitations and blessed with a heart the size of San Diego, James is an average joe who specializes in cute, furry animals at the San Diego Zoo. He also loves figure skating. (Writer: Peter Rowley)

Hans Moleman is a grizzled, yet distinguished gentleman who considers the only love of his life the sea. Like the vast ocean, he is a man of mystery who is a jack of all trades and a master of all of them. He is also an advocate of beards. (Writer: David Renshaw)

Group 2:
Destruction and mayhem are about to come forth from Canada in the form of a 2-foot, 1-inch tall god who is bent on destroying the very existence of the human race while building a new empire. With the ability to absorb the negative energy from people, this giant god E.V.I.L. (Evil Villian Is Little), once at his full strength and height, 6 foot 2 inches, will take over the world with his army of giant ants. Dayln is a prisoner whose town was destroyed by E.V.I.L., but she becomes the world's new queen once E.V.I.L. takes over. Chip is a town cop in Georgia who is beginning to rally the town folk to fight against the invasion that is coming from Canada. Homer needs to fight against his evil brother E.V.I.L., but seems more interested in trees, water, and counting blades of grass than building up his strength and fighting his brother. Homer needs to learn to absorb the good energy in people to become strong enough to fight his brother. What will happen as the action packed story unfolds? Will E.V.I.L. take over Canada and then the United States, or will Homer get tall enough to fight the evil twin? The fate of the world is at the mercy of this climatic event.

William Hynes blogging as Chip Conley.
Anna Danielson blogging as Dayln.
Dave Manchin blogging as Homer.
Paul Martens blogging as E.V.I.L..
Thomas Puketza blogging as Max Orkin.

Group 3: Attack of the Lemmings

Lemmings have taken over the world and have made humans their slaves. These Lemmings do not speak English but rule the world just by their immense population. Our four characters are members of a resistance community who are hiding out somewhere in desolate Montana. Andy's character is a former linguistic professor now working as a translator of Lemming language. Austin's character is the professor's 16-year-old teenage daughter, Nikki, who hates his guts. Bill's character is a disgruntled former postman who is a little nuts. And Don's character is a former solider who is also a little nuts. Our four characters (along with other people who live with them in their resistor village in Montana) plan to infiltrate the main Lemming village--somewhere in the Arctic or Alaska--to get information and supplies. From there all kinds of hell breaks loose.

Austin Marinelli blogging as Nikki Hintzen.
Andrew Ruggiero blogging as Dr. Stephen Hintzen.
Bill Gennaro blogging as James Robertson.
Donald Hess blogging as Wolfegang Arlington Patton.

Group 4:

Scientologists have risen to power as a cult-like group with Tom Cruise as their all-knowing and all-powerful leader with dreams and aspirations regarding world domination.


Angela Imani is a revolutionary leader who is leading the resistance against the evil Tom Cruise. (Writer: Paris Abney)

Agent Smith is one of Tom's leading officers and a recruiter for the Scientologist movement. (Writer: Laura Maisenhelder)

Tom Cruise himself. 'Nuff said. (Writer: Sam Tuthill)

Vito Paolantonio is a tired, battle weary soldier returning home from war to find himself a loner in the midst of this chaos that has occured on his homeland. (Writer: Michael Scarpa)